Logic game - "Magic Reversi"
Copyright ⌐ 2000-2002 Friendly Digital Co.
All rights reserved.


  1. Introduction 

  2. System requirements

  3. Notices on software and hardware

  4. The Rules of the game

  5. Game modes

  6. LAN and Internet playing

  7. The Network game using ICQ

  8. Support

1. Introduction

    Logic games... This games first appeared many centuries ago. This type of programs stays popular nowadays because such games do not require much computer resources, simple in use and as a matter of fact - the rules of such games are well known to everybody from the childhood.

    The examples are chess, checkers, dots and so on. We suggest you one of this games - "Magic Reversi", which was created taking into account all the modern requirements to such games. You can ask "What do you mean by the modern requirements?"

    And the answer is:


2. System requirements

    Minimal system requirements:

    If you want really enjoy our game we recommend you:


3. Notices on software and hardware


4. The Rules of the game

    The rules of the game are so simple that won't require any extra strength when memorizing them. But this doesn't make the game boring; on the contrary, Reversi is one of the most captivating and at the same time, simplest game.
    The goal of the game - to gain leadership over the opponent by transforming his figures into yours. Below are described the terms and concepts relating to the game.
    Move - placement of your figure on the empty space on the desk that way so you would transform one or more figures of your opponent into yours.
    Pass - the condition of the game when one of the players cannot make a move because of lack of available spaces on the game field. At the occurrence of Pass the turn goes to the opponent.
    Transformation - capture of opponent's figures and transforming them into your figures. This happens when as a result of the move, one or more opponent's figures are placed between two figures of the player whose move it was. Without transformation the move is impossible to make.
    Mutual Pass - inability to make move for both players.
    End of the game - the condition of the game when the move is impossible for both sides. This happens either at lack of empty spaces or at mutual pass. 
    At the beginning of the game on the game field are placed 4 figures, two for each player. The figures are places crisscross. Then the players move one after another until the end of the game. The winner is the player that has more figures on the game field.


5. Game modes

    "Magic Reversi" gives you wide variety of game modes. You can play with another person on your machine or by LAN, certainly you can fight with computer.
    Single game. It's a competition between two players. You can play with another player or with the computer. At the second choice the program will be playing against you as you would are playing with another player, and you are able to choose the intelligence level of your opponent. Beginning with "baby" and ending with "Merlin". 
    At the start of the program the new game starts automatically. On the game field are placed figures in the form of the square. Crisscross are placed your figures and your opponents. To make the move left-click the mouse on the square where you want to move your figure. Of course the move is possible only if it would lead to transformation (see above). Each time you pass the cursor over the square where the move is possible the cursor will look like a pointing hand. At that time you will hear sound accompaniment. You can move the cursor also with the keyboard by using arrows, and to make a move press either "Space Bar" or "Enter". Instantly after your move the program will start to think over the answering move. The time spend on thinking will depend on situation on the field, the level of the opponent and the speed of your computer. Of course this is only fair when you play with the computer! If your opponent is another player like you are then the speed of decision-making depends only on him...
    The game allows the change of the main settings. In the menu of the game choose "Game". "Settings" allow you to change the main settings in the game. This means that you can choose your opponent, the difficulty level if your opponent is the computer, the size of the game field and color of your figures. Also you can turn on and off the sound effect, animation of the figures. If it is necessary, possible install an option of taking away a window of program under its minimization in systray. Another interesting option - the appearance of the figures. This includes "Flame", "Classical", "Ancient", "Phials" and "Santa Claus". Later more types can appears that will make the appearance of the game more interesting. The control key for settings - F4.
    Option "Hint" allow you to receive the hint about the best possible move for the moment. Very helpful if you are a novice. The control key - "F3".
    Option "New" starts new game. The control key - "F2".
    To call the rules of the game and it's description in option menu "Info" choose "Help" or press "F1".
    Net game. The last version of the game allows you to play across the local area network (LAN) or Internet. This is also very interesting type of competition in sharpness of the mind and logical thinking. And the fact that you can't see your opponent adds more spice to the game.
    Option menu "Call" allows to call opponent, choosing settings for net game beforehand (color of the figures and size of the game field). Option "Allow call" "Alt+L" allows another player to call you for a match. While calling "F5", the opponent gets an invitation to the game where he can look over the rules to the game and either accept or decline the challenge. If he won't answer during 30 seconds the challenge will automatically be declined and the message about the decline will be send to the challenger. If you don't want to continue the game use option "Disconnect" "F6" and you can leave the game, while your opponent will be informed about it. If you want to tell something to your opponent, like teases him or congratulate his smart move you can use option "Message" "F7". As a result you will see the message window, when you can send new message or look over the old ones. For more info about Net game see next topic.


6. LAN and Internet playing

    If you want to play "Magic Reversi" by i-net you need the following:

    If you want to challenge somebody:

    Possible mistakes during connection:

    Footnotes. We currently do not provide special game server which could handle all the actions described above. To find out your own IP address run program winipcfg.exe:

    In Windows2000 you mast use ipconfig.exe (run it from MS-DOS console).


7. The Network game using ICQ

    Now we simplify the process of connection using ICQ. Below we widely describe how to tune the ICQ 2000b for "Magic Reversi". So now you can play with any person in your contact list. For that you should only perform two conditions: first you and your opponent ought to have the game "Magic Reversi" version 1.0 or later (version of the game notes during the installation in the first greeting dialog, also we recommend you to have similar versions), second to have similar settings of the "Games" component of ICQ in this case "Magic Reversi".

    To config ICQ 2000b execute following steps:

    If you performed everything then you can challenge each other to play "Magic Reversi".

    Of course you'll ask me a question What would happened if I'll run the game? Now we'll describe to you some simple things.

    First: ICQ - What is it? ICQ - it is I-net client, by another words it is application running at your PC and making requests to home's server (www.icq.com). Types of queries can be differed. Such as connection with ICQ server, getting your contact list, sending messages, files and it's receiving. But the most important is - during the connection the ICQ server sends your IP-address (4 digits). You need IP-address to make the game by ICQ.

    Second. The game. For example you and your opponent have "Magic Reversi " and want to play game against each other. You click mouse on your opponent in the contact list. Choose item "Games" and click on "Magic Reversi". Then choose your status: server (I Am The Server) or client (I Am The Client). Remember, if you are under the proxy server or under the Firewall (usually it's computers in the corporative networks), will
be better to be Client, because of access to the server can be denied from your opponent. Besides this, the Client has the right to choose game settings. Attention: non You, non Your Opponent would run "Magic Reversi" because after sending the request and answer from another side the game run automatically.

    Third. ICQ error. We (the development group) found out the next ICQ error (this error exists in ICQ Version 2000b Beta v.4.60 Build #3278):

    If you send the request to your opponent while your opponent in offline, ICQ have to send request and then, when both of you are in Online activate the request. But it doesn't occurs. Moreover you meet such problem: when your opponent is in Online mode and see you in contact-list (of course you in Online), You immediately change your mode to Offline. So you can't use ICQ while your Opponent in Online mode. The only way to correct this problem to reenter Application settings of your ICQ and to remove Reversi out of the list. Until we don't know how to decide this problem. That's why in this version of "Magic Reversi" we removed all automatically settings of the game in ICQ->Games.

    If you've met the same problem and know how to overcome it tell us please.

    Knowing this error, be careful and call each other only if you are in Online mode.


8. Support

    If you have questions or suggestions on mutual profitable cooperation do not hesitate to contact us. We would also be glad to know your opinion about the game with any suggestions. Thank you for your interest.